Revealing Truth Today

Standing for the truth and sharing Jesus with others!

The Origin of Fairies REVEALED

I am on a quest to educate Christians and non-Christians, alike. However, when doing so – it may come across that I am “demonizing” everything. Please, do not be misinformed; I am merely pointing out certain things to get us thinking and to help us to be more pleasing to God. There are plenty of wholesome things we can enjoy which God has so graciously given us. Now, on with our study…

The word “fairy” is derived from the Middle English word “faierie”; a direct borrowing from Old French meaning “the land, realm, or characteristic activity of the legendary people of folklore and romance,” which were called “faie”. This derived ultimately from Late Latin “fata” (hence a guardian or tutelary spirit, hence a spirit in general). A tutelary spirit is a spirit or deity who protects. The Roman religion had dozens of tutelary spirits/goddesses. The original word fata can also be translated as, “thing spoken, decision, decree’ or ‘prophetic declaration, prediction”. 

The problem with this is that fairies are often viewed as a form of a goddess (there is no God except the One true God) and that fairies can be seen as protectors. In reality, God is the only one Who protects us by sending the Holy Spirit and His angels to us – certainly we are not protected by some imagined mythological being. Furthermore, when God spoke – the world was created. The idea of a fairy (as mentioned earlier) is that there is a degree of power which they are believed to hold in regards to our destiny. Remember the word fata was also translated as meaning “prophetic declaration”? You see, only God’s people are given the gift of prophecy (see 1st Corinthians 14). It is not given flippantly to false prophets or prophetesses and certainly not to a fictitious being.

In later usage, the word faie was generally applied to any kind of quality or activity associated with a particular sort of person, as in English knavery, roguery, witchery, wizardry. Once again, not a good connotation that goes along with the word fairy. Fairies are generally described as human in appearance and having magical powers. Their origins are less clear in the folklore, being variously dead, or some form of demon, or a species completely independent of humans or angels.

There are many beliefs as to exactly what fairies are believed to be. Some believe they are actually real and are demoted angels or even demons. Others believe fairies are a subclass of the dead. Also, there are those who believe they are Pagan deities or goddesses. Furthermore, It is believed that to know the name of a particular fairy could summon it to you and force it to do your bidding. The name could be used as an insult towards the fairy in question, but it could also be used to grant powers and gifts to the user.

Nonetheless, any of the above-mentioned descriptions are not something with which I personally wish to associate with or admire. Anything (fictional or not) that tries to defy God or go against Him is evil. 1st Peter 1:14 & 15 says, “As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.”

Nowadays, fairies are portrayed as beautiful creatures. We see them in children’s books such as Peter Pan where the character Tinker Bell has become a pop culture icon. We also see fairies in artwork, fashion accessories, and on jewelry. The Tinker Bell type of fairies are portrayed as sweet and beautiful. It is not so much how the cartoon character behaves that is problematic as it is where fairies were derived from, you see. It is the same premise as with Halloween – it’s not so much the passing out of candy that is the issue; it is how the holiday began. (See my blog about Halloween here:

Some people are under the misconception that fairies and angels are one in the same. This is entirely untrue. Fairies are fictional and often associated with magic while angels are real and associated with God and His real power. Once again, we must be strict on what we allow, promote, and endorse as harmless. We are called to be disciples of God – and true disciples have discipline. “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate…” 2nd Corinthians 6:17. I hope this blog has given you some food for thought.


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